
Showing posts from September, 2021

Modelling of Drug Release from a Polymer Matrix System-Juniper Publishers

  JUNIPER PUBLISHERS - OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL OF DRUG DESIGNING & DEVELOPMENT Abstract A drug release model is proposed to predict the behaviour of an oral drug tablet as it traverses the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. The model predicts the rate of change of tablet dimensions. The effect of polymer degradation rate on the tablet dissolution time and drug release kinetics is analyzed. The total tablet dissolution time decreases with increase in the polymer degradation rate constant ( k d ). A simpler second model (power law) is also offered to describe the relationship between tablet dissolution time and k d . The model predicts initial burst release of the drug followed by nearly constant release. The time of burst release and the amount of drug undergoing burst release decreases with increases in the k d . Keywords: Drug release model; Drug diffusion; Polymer matrix swelling; Polymer dissolution; Release kinetics Abbrevations: HPMC: Hydroxy Propyl M...