Novel Method of Drug Designing and Delivery in Autism is Leading the Way for an Evolutionary Leap in Prescription Drug Delivery Free from their Side-Effects-Juniper Publishers
JUNIPER PUBLISHERS - OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL OF DRUG DESIGNING & DEVELOPMENT Editorial Conventional medicine has long since conditioned the human mind into swallowing pills with the thumb rule "A pill for every ill". Over time however, people from all over the world have come to realize that this is not true. This, after suffering from the stated and unstated side-effects of the very drugs/medicines that are supposed to cure them from diseases and conditions. The major challenge in drug delivery today in the arena of conventional medicine is the uncomfortable Fact that more and more drugs that are being given to the patient do not " work " or in other words, do not produce the " desired " results .Or even worse, the Side-Effects of the drugs overwhelm the potential and/or implied benefits to the extent that the drug by itself, in an alarming number of cases kills the patient (chemotherapy as an example). According to the National Center ...