Juniper Publishers| Novel Approaches in Drug Designing & Development

Prevalence of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever Virus in Pakistan

Authored by Sobia Ahsan Halim

Crimean Congo virus that causes hemorrhagic fever belongs to Bunyaviridea family [1] and genus Nairoviridea [2]. First case of this disease was inspected in Tajisktan in 12th century [3] however this disease gained more attention in 1944 when about 200 military officers of Soviet Union died of this infectious disease at the place of Crimea so named as Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever. Its etiology was studied by inducing fever in psychiatric patients by inoculating them with virus obtained from the blood of CCHF patients. Chumkov and his colleagues first time isolated a prototype of this virus in 1967 in Moscow [4]. This virus has wide geographical distribution and found across middle east, china, southern Europe, Africa and various areas of Asia.


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